SEO Tips | Digital Marketing | New One Marketing



1. Write High-Quality, Original Content

Without high-quality, original content, your SEO efforts will go to waste.

But what exactly makes content high-quality and original?

High-quality content is content that provides value to your audience. It answers their questions, solves their problems, and satisfies their needs. 

It’s not just keywords stuffed into a page. It’s well-researched, well-written, and well-formatted.

Original content is content that is unique to your website. 

It’s not copied, spun, or scraped from other sources. It’s content that you create yourself or with the help of someone you hire to create it for you. And it adds something new to the web.

A great way to ensure your content meets both criteria is to use Semrush’s SEO Writing Assistant

The tool can help you quickly run an SEO content analysis, improve readability, check for originality, and more. 

To start, add your text into the tool by typing into it directly, copying and pasting, or importing it from the web with a URL. 

A blank text box in SEO Writing Assistant 

2. Format Your Content for Readers (and Search Engines)

The way you format your content can make or break your SEO efforts. 


Because formatting affects two key factors: readability and the user experience.

Readability is how easy it is for people to understand your content. 

User experience (UX) is how people feel when they interact with your content. 

Both of these factors influence how long people stay on your page, how they engage with your content, and whether they share it with others.

And guess what? 

Search engines care about these factors, too. 

Signals like bounce ratedwell time, and social shares are not direct Google ranking factors. But they do tell you something about how useful and relevant your content is for your audience. 

And search engines want to rank useful and relevant content.

So, the more you optimize your content for readability and the user experience, the better it is likely to be for search engines.

Here are some SEO recommendations to follow:

  • Use plenty of headings and subheadings to help readers scan your content and find what they’re looking for
  • Write short paragraphs and sentences to make your content more digestible and engaging
  • Use bullet points and numbered lists to highlight key points to draw attention and make content scannable
  • Use images, videos, charts, and other visual elements to communicate ideas efficiently
  • Use white space to create breathing room for your content and help reduce visual clutter and improve readability                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    Featured snippets are small text excerpts that appear at the top of Google’s search results and provide a short, quick answer to the searcher’s query.

    And winning a featured snippet is a great way to get more visibility, clicks, and traffic. Your page will rank at the very top—even above the first organic result (also known as “position zero”). 

    Like this:

    A featured snippet for "how to wash pillows by hand" query

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